Let’s go on a Speech Corn Maze!

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It’s the fall and corn mazes are one of the fun things to do with family and friends.  Why not bottle some of that fun when practicing speech goals?

I made this quick little fun reinforcer activity you can do at home, school or maybe even out at the park…all while working on your speech goals.

Always remember to ask your SLP for guidance on how to use materials found on communicationstationspeechtx.blogspot.com for your child’s particular goals.


Corn Maze Reinforcer Activity includes:

  • one page of corn maze pictures with points
  • two pages of corn pictures with various directions

How can you use this activity at home?

  • You can create your own “corn maze” at home. 
  • Taking turns practicing your child’s speech goals/homework with him/her and then your child then “follow the maze” in order to find points cards to keep score. 
  • If you make two copies of points cards (put them on different colored backgrounds) and mix them up, your child can play with you or other siblings.  The one with the most points wins!

You have another idea for this activity?  Comment below!!!

Enjoy your maze and Happy Talking!!!