Archive / Parent Counseling

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Research Tuesday: What happened to my sweet child?: Behavioral Milestones of a 4 year old!

My son tends to show most growth (meaning most changes in cognitive, motor, social skills and yes behavior) around his birthday and half birthday each year.  This is fairly standard development when researching typical development in young children. As I just finished re-researching behavioral milestones in a four year old I thought I’d share that […]

Parent Education: Why I LOVE it!

As those of you who have been following me for some time now know, I LOVE working with young children (0-5yrs).  But what I LOVE even MORE than working with the children is working with the parents.  I worked in the school setting for 7 years and have found my parent education skills to be […]

Tip Tuesday: When I use “Nonverbal” vs. “Pre-verbal” vs. “Prelinguistic”!

This post is about my personal preferences as a speech-language pathologist when counseling parents.  It has nothing to do with research or evidence-based practice.  It has EVERYTHING to do with my professional experience with counseling parents over the years.  So feel free to read with an open mind and reach your own conclusions. Nonverbal vs. Prelinguistic […]

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