Guest Posting: Let’s Get Physical! Keeping PK kiddos attention during therapy.

Today I am guest posting on [simply speech.]‘s Welcome Home series today!  The topic?  Using movement to keep PK students attentive during therapy!

Here’s a preview of all the goodies you will find over there…

So here is my biggest secret to success with preschoolers:  Movement!  It is NOT developmental to expect a PK age child to sit and attend to an activity for 30 or 50 minute sessions.  Children are constantly learning, exploring, and problem solving.  They, like us all, need proprioceptive feedback.  I provide that by adding movement to almost ALL of my therapy activities.  When I add movement to any activity, I have learned that my PK students attend longer to one single activity and will participate in more trials during the therapy session than if I would expect them to sit the entire time.  The movement does not have to be big or elaborate.

Want to know my simple tricks of the trade for some of our favorite activities as SLPs? Head on over to [simply speech.] TODAY to find out!

Do you use movement activities in your therapy sessions?  Feel free to share your great ideas below!

Happy Talking