Giveway and Review: Baby Jaimie Goes to the Hospital!!!
Baby Jaimie Goes to the Hospital by Jaimie Hope is the lastest installment in The Adventures of Baby Jaimie book series.
This story is about a little girl, Baby Jaimie, who is facing the fun of summer when she finds out she has to go to the hospital to have a tonsilectomy.
With Christmas quickly approaching, what better way to review a new book than having a giveaway? Read my review and enter via the raffelcopter widget at the bottom of this blog.
Keep your eyes peeled for a FREE speech and language activity to go along with this book’s theme later this week!!!!
Book Review:
What I like about this book:
- The main chracter is disabled, which is a great way to talk about how children with disablities are just like other children.
- This book lends itself to a GREAT social story about going to the doctor and hospital.
- You can talk about how feelings of the characters change throughout the book (excitment, fear, worry, concern, sadness, relief, etc.)
- Figurative language is used in this book and is a great way to introduce and talk about meanings of idioms and mutltiple meaning words, etc.
- The illustrations are child friendly, but realistic (eg. doctors and nurses have masks on in the operating room)
- Realistic but child friendly descriptions of hosptial procedure and recovery (eg. discussion of getting oxygen mask, coldness of the OR, etc.)
- There are several opportunities for problem solving and making predictions during this story
- During the story there is a discussion about a lemonade stand that Baby Jaimie and her sister want to do over the summer. What a great way to talk about ways to raise/make money and wrap math and money concepts within a language activity!
Just 2 drawbacks:
- This book is a bit long for a single session (however I can see this book being easily adapted over the course of several sessions or streamlined to fit within one session depending on your goals and your student’s needs).
- The nickname “Baby Jaimie” tends to go against the feelings of independence and maturation we as SLPs try to encourage and facilitate within our students; however I think its a GREAT way to discuss what a nickname is and that just because your mom or dad might call you the baby of the family doesn’t mean you shouldn’t act like the big girl/boy when you are in school, at home, etc.
All in all I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to reading the other adventures of Baby Jaimie!
For your chance to win enter below. The winner will be announced on Friday. Good luck!
If you are not the lucky winner of this giveaway, don’t worry. You can still order the book online. It is available in print or e-book formats. You can also get an autographed copy via Kindlegraph. Looking for more merchandise to make a full lesson, go to Jaimie Hope’s online store for other merchandise! Want more info on Jaimie Hope and her other books? Head on over to her blog and to check her out!
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