FREEBIE Friday: Patriotic Phonological Awareness
It’s that time again….Labor Day is quickly approaching so I thought I’d make a fun phonological awareness game for my kiddos. Found these super cute stars and stripes capital letters at From the Pond so I made the following fun CVC sheets that can be used to target the follow skills:
- Sound/letter (phoneme/grapheme) identification
- Create word families (great for rhyming)
- Encoding and Decoding activities
- Want to increase complexity? Add and E at the end of each word to make the vowel a long vowel and you’ve just taught the silent E rule!
Best part about this material is you can create real and nonsense words to make sure your students are NOT relying on their whole word knowledge but on their phonological awareness skills to “read” the words they make!!!!
I’m sure you can come up with numerous other ideas on how to use this freebie! Feel free to share in the comments below!
Want your freebie? Grab it here!
Happy Talking, Reading, Rhyming and Spelling!!!!

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