FREEBIE Friday: Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies!
The holiday season brings some wonderful baking experiences doesn’t it? Since it’s cookie baking season I made this cute cookie baking activity as a reinforcer game for my young PK kiddos. We talk about what ingredients are, what a recipe is, and what flour, sugar, eggs, butter, etc. are and why we need them for baking. As I was making this activity, I realized if I added some simple directions, this activity could be used for much older students as well. The directions could be used to target reading comprehension or auditory memory skills, sequencing skills and direction following, students can spend time predicting what could be the next step, etc. So many ways to use this simple activity for various speech and language goals.
Best part about this activity? You COULD actually follow a real recipe and bake some cookies after this exercise to make it real ALL WHILE having a delicious treat to boot. Don’t have access to a kitchen? No problem, just use a no bake cookie recipe which is also super fun and have the kiddos enjoy their treat after the cookies are finished! Either way it will be a YUMMY time and the holiday season is a great time to start baking don’t you think???? (Psst! Are you looking for a few no bake cookie recipes? Check out this website!)

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